I spent this past memorial day playing (and beating, thankyouverymuch...) an iPhone game called Sally's Salon. While playing about 3 hours of this game, I caught a Food Network marathon of Grill It with Bobby Flay. The premise of the show is that some grilling fanatic gets to cook on a NY rooftop with Bobby Flay, which is supposed to be really awesome I guess. They cook the same meat, but here's the twist: they each put their own spin on it! Basically what I'm trying to say is that the guest griller cooks something totally awesome and Bobby Flay puts ancho chili powder on his dish. If you ever need to get housed, play a drinking game to a Bobby Flay show and throw one back every time you hear the word "ancho chili" or "chipotle".
I'm not saying he's not a good chef. I once ate at Mesa Grill and was pleasantly surprised that his food is actually really good. But he's the American Iron Chef? Really?! Number 1, he looks like a Chucky doll (but not in a kind of hot way like Jon Gruden) and number 2, he just cooks Tex-Mex! That's not even a legitimate cuisine! Wait, I'm not done. He doesn't even win his challenges against Joe Schmoe donut maker on Throwdown! with Bobby Flay. Lastly, even with Giada by his side, he lost to Mario Batali and Rachel Ray on Iron Chef. Sigh.
I don't watch a whole lot of Food Network anymore and this grilling show reminded me why. I'm more of a Top Chef kind of girl which is why I'm totally psyched for Top Chef Masters. And no, it's not just because Kelly Choi is the host. (But since I brought it up, it is nice to see Asians on something other than Grey's Anatomy and America's Best Dance Crew...just saying...)